Tuesday, July 27, 2004

I hate some neighbors

We have a complete b***h living out back.  She's constantly pissed off at the world and she doesn't know how to park her car in the same spot twice.   And do you think that she can discuss and work it out like a normal adult?  Nope, she swears at everyone, calls the landlord and complains to him, and honks her horn at 5:20 in the morning.  So, I'm expecting to have the landlord get in touch with us yet again when it isn't even our problem.  Its hers.  I want my own house sooooooooooooooooo much!!  So I don't have to deal with snots like her or her husband who is a little punk.  I seriously expect one of my cars to be keyed or hit in some way or another.

At least I can walk to work so I don't even have to touch either car.

I'm so bent out of shape that I don't even want to write.  :(


At 7:49 AM, Blogger Ceri Hebert said...

Thanks so much Nancy!! I hope that it gets better! :)


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