Friday, August 06, 2004

And did I mention that I love my neighbors?

Last night they were parked under my window while he was fixin his new motorcycle. And they were fighting and yelling at their kids. It was real nice. He keeps his motorcycle parked in front of his wife's car, about 6" from my van and blocking the stairs to the back yard. But for some reason they're on the landlord's good side (the husband is putting a new roof on the landlord's house), so can we complain? nope.

Okay, the bitch section to this blog is now done.

Was chatting with a woman about the South Beach diet this morning. sounds good. I need something, I'm not looking too good right now (that picture of me was taken a loooong time ago). It's that TOM adn I've been ravenous. Especially for pasta. I don't dare get on the scale.

Okay off to do something that resembles work... yah.. right. ;)


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