Friday, October 22, 2004

What a week

Okay, first of all, I've been blog surfing and there's one thing I just don't get. Why do people INSIST on typing LiKe ThIs? It MaKeS No SeNsE aNd GiVeS mE a FrIgGiN hEaDaChE!!!

Fine, got that off my mind...

Well THE RED SOX WONNN!!! *happy dance* What a great 7th game. Oh hell, the last 4 games were awesome. Now I'm a fair weather baseball fan. I'll only watch if the Sox make it to the playoffs, but I'm so psyched for them!!

Of course their win had to be marred by some idiotic so called fans in Boston who thought it would be WONDERFUL to celebrate by trashing everything they could get their stinkin hands on. Oh, nothing better than showing support of the hometown heros by setting a few cars on fire, tipping a few more over, maybe trying to throw a shopping cart through a window. Throw bottles at the mounted Boston police officers? sure! This is the future of America, these people who have absolutely no regard for the property of others. Did we learn nothing from the riots after the Patriots won the Super Bowl in January?

And because of all their idiotic rioting a young woman is dead. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time and was hit in the face by rubber bullets from the pellet gun of one of the officers. Do I blame the police? Absolutely not. They were doing their job, trying to control the increasing violence of some of the crowd. Not all the some 80,000 people there were doing wrong, but enough were and I believe they are 100% to blame for this young woman's death.

Will they learn from this tragedy? These uncontrollable people who's actions caused the death of another person? The Red Sox will be going to the World Series starting tomorrow. What if they win it? Whats going to happen then? How are these crowds going to "celebrate" that night?

I pray that they'll remember what happened on Wednesday night. I hope they honor Victoria Snelgrove and behave in a way that would make the Red Sox as proud of "us" as we are of them.

GO SOX!!!!!!!!!! Curse?? What curse?


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