Thursday, March 16, 2006

Winter Part 2

It's back to being cold here in NH. Had some nice flurries and squalls yesterday so there's a dusting back on the ground and its back to winter jackets hats and gloves. Why can't the weather just make up its mind?? After all, spring is next week and my daffodils or crocususes are poking through the ground.

The kids and I had a nice dinner with the folks last night where they toasted my book with champagne. My father is expecting me to be the next Danielle Steele. Well, maybe thats reaching a little high, but never say never. I haven't got any word back from WCP yet, but maybe they're getting everything prepared, setting me up with an editor to work with etc. I'm so excited!

I'm so close to the end of Where One Road Leads (yeah, I've officially renamed it). I hate having to stop the creative process for mundane things like going to work or feeding the kids. Today is going to be huge laundry day so I doubt I'll get much done until late.

Well, there are dishes to do (talk about mundane) and kids to get ready for school. So its time to power down the ol' laptop.


At 4:49 PM, Blogger Marianne Arkins said...

Hi C,

The workbook I'm trying out is the Writing the Breakout Novel Workbook. It goes with the book that he wrote (he recommends reading the book first). So far, so good -- but he makes you dig deep.

I'm not deep.

We'll see how it goes! I'm all for starting a Yahoo group with a couple other writing buds to stay accountable and work through the book. If I do, you want to jump in?

Stay warm (and what's with the WIND?) and think Spring thoughts.



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