Saturday, March 04, 2006

Two Steps Forward

Its a chilly March morning. Winter may have been late in arriving this year, but it sure is here now. Not in the form of snow, just really cold weather. Oh well. Can't complain.. too much. I'm still waiting for that really big storm. The few storms we've had this year have been duds. Nothing over 9". I'm waiting for a 2 foot snow storm.

Well, Sweet Forever is being given the once over by a friend before being sent back to Samhain. I really like the changes I've made in it and I'm hoping and praying that the editor will feel the same.

Step Two... I finally heard back from the Whiskey Creek editor. She promised me an answer on Finally Home by this Monday. My jangling nerves are kicking in. But if she doesn't like it there are plenty other publishers who I can send it off to.

Time to get ready for work. Thrills. But it should be a quiet day (fingers crossed) and the boss will be on vacation until March 14th, so thats gotta be good.


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