Saturday, August 28, 2004


A friend posted an eye opener of a post to one of the crit groups I belong to and its really made me think about what I'm writing and how I'm writing it. The basic jist of it is don't worry about who you're writing for, what editor your going to send it to, what rules you have to obey. JUST WRITE Write how you want, enjoy it. Make that whats important and not the sale of the book after its done. Well, thats not exactly the jist of it, but it gets across the important points.

There's some writer friends of mine who I really really admire. One writes such beautiful scenes, such wonderful descriptions and warm characters, the other two write sharp and quirky characters and dialogue. I get so envious of these 3 writers, think that I'll never be as good as them. Maybe I won't but I know that I have my own voice. Sometimes I think its a little melodramatic, but its me and I should stick to it and not do something that's not "me".

These revelations may cause me to put some projects on the back burner, but if it means reviving one (actually 3) of my wips and do something different with it than so be it. It could be a very interesting and rewarding journey if I turn off the voices that say that it shouldn't be done.


At 9:16 AM, Blogger Amie Stuart said...

I wish I could remember who said it, darlin, but if you're going to break rules just be sure you do them well!!!

I'm proud of you. It's a huge revelation. And it's very liberating.

The best example I can give you is Diana Grabaldon who, by all rights, never should have sold a book that broke darn near every rule of romance writing.

At 9:20 AM, Blogger Amie Stuart said...

And since I don't know how to STFU =) Why DON'T you write that fantasy novel? Maas says to write the breakout novel is to run free of the pack.


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