Saturday, May 06, 2006

Today is gunna stink

Yah, it's not going to be a good day at all. It's my full day at work and our computer system is going to be down all day. I just really live for telling our customers that I can't help them but call back on Monday when we have a new and vastly inadequate system up and "running".

And the office manager has announced to everyone that her last day is the 30th of this month. Cool. I'm jealous and wish her well. That doesn't solve the fact that as of the 20th the entire Saturday staff, with the exception of lil ole me, will be gone. And while there's been a call put forth for people to come in and work extra hours to help out on Saturdays, its only for part of the day, so basically there'll be about 4-5 hours that I'm going to be on my own? Um, I don't think so.

Now if my writing career would all of a sudden take off I could quit my job too and stay home. Or at least just work part time.

Can I cry now?


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