Saturday, June 03, 2006

The End Is Near

Yeah! I have less than 40 pages left to edit on WORL. I got lots done today. I have to add one more love scene in for my hero and heroine, but I can't really write that here at work. Maybe when I get home, if the kidlets leave me be (ya, like THAT'S going to happen). I am so so psyched about this manuscript! I think thus far its my favorite. I hope some publisher out there agrees with me. It'll go easily past 63,000 words, possibly 64k.

And its raining today. All day. I can't believe the amounts we've gotten. It's relentless!! PLEASE SOMEONE, SEND SOME OF THIS RAIN DOWN TO MY BROTHER'S PLACE IN TEXAS! THEY NEED IT, WE DON'T. And I have to good fortune of having to walk home in the stuff. ugh.

Okay, I have 15 minutes left of my work day. Maybe I can start on the nookie scene.


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