Sunday, May 21, 2006

A Day of Rest

It's Sunday. My one and only day off. It's just past 11am and I still have my jammies on. I haven't washed the dishes yet. I want to climb back into bed and sleep the day away. After all, we're supposed to get rain YET again (it poured yesterday afternoon). Maybe the weather is making me so tired.

I've done some editing and some surfing, watched the news.

And I think this is the most boring blog entry in the world.

But I'm just too sleepy to care......


At 9:50 AM, Blogger Crystal* said...

Sundays are supposed to be a day of rest. I had my day scheduled for yesterday, but it didn't quite work out.
So rest your head. Study your eyelids. And recharge the batteries.

At 10:09 AM, Blogger Marianne Arkins said...

UGH... rain. They had to pump out KMart again two days ago because of rain, and they may have to do it again today.


nvpszv - nosey voles pressed sam's zippy volume


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