Saturday, January 06, 2007

My Muse Came Home

Finally! I think its because the pressure here at work is finally lifting a bit. Over the holidays we had a regime change on the local level. It should be for the better though I was sad to see the old fearless leader go, I like the new fearless leader. And we're starting to catch up with the work load, there's no more overtime and I don't have to bring work home with me anymore. My afternoons are freeeee!

So, I was making my goals for 2007. On the top of the list (at least until I have to face editing of Sweet Forever) was to finish my Branwen story. No biggie, its not going to be a full length unless it wants to be. But as soon as I had that figured out A BOLT OF CREATIVE LIGHTNING HIT ME IN THE FOREHEAD I think it was my muse coming back from her Christmas break. I have a time travel that I put on the "shelf" just before Nano. It was on my list of "TTD" this year, but nooooo, muse wouldn't have that. Oh no. After I cleaned the scorch mark off my forehead I thought about my new idea. I had written a promptlet that really really liked but really really didn't fit into the scheme of contemporary romance. Think more of along the lines of everyone is dropping dead of some horrid sickness. Yeh, really romantic. Well, I've figured out that I can use that in my time travel. My fingers are just itching to get to the file where that prompt is so I can write it in to my story.

But what the heck..... why does my muse have to come in and just rearrange all my plans?? Just like my husband and kids.

I'm just glad she's back though. I was getting askeered.


At 3:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad things are easing off a bit for you and you can start writing again! Yay!

Hey... what about that weather yesterday? My daffodils are coming up! Yikes!!

cmmuky - Can't Mary make unusual kangaroos yell?

At 5:05 AM, Blogger Judy said...

Here's hoping things continue better at work. I know what it's like to not be able to write because of other things going on... it's a bear! And, great about your muse acomin' back... I guess they need breaks too :-)

I don't think we're going to have a winter down here. We had one "cold" week, just before Christmas and since then... nada! My roses are blooming, my narcissus are up (and have been for weeks), and all my trees are budding. Grrrrr.

At 7:09 AM, Blogger Amie Stuart said...

Happy Writing babe!!! THe muse always takes off when life gets tough. I think it's because she knows we need the mental energy to focus in other areas!


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