Tuesday, December 12, 2006


I've been doing a lot of it when it comes to my writing and my blog. This time of year is just too busy. Make it stop. We at work have been ordered to put in at least 8 hours of overtime per week in. Nope, sorry, can't fit it into my schedule unless I want to leave my kids by themselves for a few hours a day. Or bring them with me. umm-no.

And I've discovered that I make a lousy soccer mom. Well, no one plays soccer, but everyone is involved in activities, as of last night, and juggling everyone's schedule is going to be like doing algebra. I think I have the evening off today, but I could be wrong. If I do I'm going to dedicate it to writing. I really want to get my not-so-short story finished.

As much as I like Christmas, I just wish it would come faster so life would return to "normal". Wishful thinking, I know.


At 10:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes. You are slacking. I check every day and miss seeing new posts... *sigh*

I suppose I'll get over it. :-]

enquifg - Every new queen uses icky foot glue.


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