Thursday, April 13, 2006

Evil thy name is Krispy Kreme

I have looked into the face of Evil and it is a Krispy Kreme donut.

Yes, I'm sad to say that I've found it lurking in our town. I thought that I was safe here. That I'd only just dream of what a Krispy Kreme donut would taste like, that living in a small New Hampshire town I'd be safe from its seductive lure. Now I know how Eve felt when the snake offered her that apple.

I was wrong.

It found me.

And all that I've heard is true.

I'm doomed.

Now I need to move farther out into the country, where no store will ever carry KK donuts. Where it'll be too far to drive to find its villainous temptation.

Its the only way.


At 6:36 AM, Blogger Judy said...

No, Ceri. Now that the evil KK has found you, you can never escape the seductiveness. It will come wafting to you on the evening breezes, invade your every dream, and cause you to wake up every morning with an overwhelming desire for KK donuts and a hot cup of coffee.

At 6:44 AM, Blogger Ceri Hebert said...

*pressing hands to ears* No!! No!! make it stop!!!

I had a blueberry KK this morning. It was soooo good. Better than the glazed I had last night.

See, I'm an addict already.

At 10:45 AM, Blogger Marianne Arkins said...

The only KK in driving distance for me CLOSED (Praise the Lord!). Now it's just all the Dunkin Donut's on every flipping corner I have to worry about.

Be strong.

And, is my imagination or are the word verification words getting really long? Mine is "ucrgmqwf", which in Blogger means "keep the stupid spammers away".


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