Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Day is done....

Well, its nearly 9pm. I didn't get nearly as much done as I'd hoped. The kids are going stir crazy already and school hasn't been out for even a week yet. We took a walk to the library where two of the ducklings won prizes in the summer reading program there. Then it was a stop for ice cream (ah, that was the fatal mistake). Then off to do a load of laundry and grocery shopping. By the time I got home and got dinner ready it was late and the kids were energized. They're just now going off to bed.

So, here I am, starting YET ANOTHER WIP!! Okay so I had a scathingly brilliant idea (well, maybe not scathingly brilliant, but derned good) for a new story using a bit of something I wrote a few months ago. I'm pretty psyched about it. Its a tad different than my usual. I hope it works out.

Tomorrow is going to be a brutal day. I went in at 7:30am this morning because we had over $100k worth of magazine orders come in and I had to prepare them. Well, tried to anyway until I was relieved by the old boss who came in to help out. But there's still about $150K worth of orders to enter. So I guess I know what I'll be doing tomorrow. And Thursday. And Friday. But that's okay. Keeps me off the phones.

Okay, time to retire, with notebook, to the living room. Got me some plotting to do.


At 1:33 PM, Blogger Marianne Arkins said...

I was beginning to think you'd dropped of the edge of the earth... glad to discover I was wrong.

Okay, girl, choose a story and write it. Whichever one... c'mon you know you can do it!

yuxskxg - (Blogger hates me) You understand xanax skews kinder xylophones, girl?


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