Saturday, July 22, 2006

Out of Sync

Well, here I sit at work. In the mood to write. Ideas flowing.

And I have to enter orders.

What a waste of a day.

Why can't I be in this kind of mood when I have the time and chance to write? Instead most of that time my creativity has dried up and useless. I guess I could push myself to get the job done and go back later and try to add some life to the story. Isn't anything better than nothing? I heard that somewhere.

So I'll have to remember that next time I'm staring blankly at whatever I'm working on and being tempted away by some surfing.

Dont doooo iiittttt!!!!!!!


At 3:11 PM, Blogger Marianne Arkins said...

How's life? At least the weather is nicer.

Wish I was in Atlanta. I wanna meet Jenny and Nora (stomps foot).

kdofvc - Kids don't offer food very chic-ly


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