Saturday, July 08, 2006

Small Towns

I love small towns. Right now my town is having their "4th of July" (I guess) celebrations. There's a parade going by, even as I type. I can hear the bagpipers (there are 3 of them, but I love the sound of the bagpipe). Then you get the handful of antique cars with important people, followed by the fire engines. I can hear the Master of Ceremonies describing each vehicle (and the people inside them) as they pass. Finally we have a big marching band (I use the term "big" loosely). They're really good, though.

The parade route is less than 1/2 a mile in length. Rose Bowl Parade it aint, but there's something wonderful about the quaintnes of the whole thing.

But, here I sit at work. At least (for now) I have a window nearby so I can look out.


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