Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I Shouldn't Gripe

Over the past two days of being on the dreaded phones I've been able to write an entire scene for my short story AND do some research on my Nano project. The phones were really quiet. So, had I been doing the data entry I wouldn't have gotten any of that done. So I shouldn't gripe about it. Well, until the phones start getting busy with Christmas Shoppers. In the afternoon I was taken off the phones and went back onto data entry. I cast longing glances at my notebook.

Now I've got to work on a stee-mah scene for my short (yah, I know, I said I wasn't going to do that, but I'm aiming it for WCP Torrid line and well, they're stee-mah. Won't be going there with my nano project.

Not going to get much done tonite though. Its open house at my son's school and when I get home its WEDNESDAY TV NIGHT!!! We got America's Next Top Model, we got Dancing With the Stars result show, we got Jericho, we got Lost, we got Ghost Hunters, we got Project Runway and we got The Nine. OKAY TV SCHEDULING PEOPLE, HOW BOUT MOVING SOME OF THESE SHOWS TO A DIFFERENT NIGHT! Thank goodness for tivo.

Time to drag my son out of bed and face the sink of dishes. Ugh


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