Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Case Of The Disappearing Muse

Subtitled-Muses Gone Wild

Yesterday when I was at work my muse was crazy busy filling me with ideas for my current wip (well, I'm only really at the plotting stages right now). Couldn't get her off my shoulder. This is a good thing, to a point. I can't just stop what I'm doing at work to write down my thoughts except at my designated break time.

I was hoping that she'd be just as full of good ideas today as she was yesterday, but she's not around. Hello! Here Musey Musey Musey!!!

So, why do muses disappear just when you need them the most? She's as fickle as I am apparently, but I don't like my creativity being toyed with.

And now my daughter is setting up the table so she and I can do crafts and puzzles. I need more hours in the day cuz i need to do laundry, make banana bread, make lunch and I'd hope, find my missing muse.


At 3:33 AM, Blogger Marianne Arkins said...

I wrote about this once on my blog. I'd read an article in RWR about Nora Roberts, and she talked about "the muse". Here are some of the quotes:

Nora on writers claiming that the muse has left them (aka Writers Block):

The muse is fickle and pretty much a wimp...Sister Mary Responsibility would kick the muse's butt, every time."

If you need to believe in the muse... fine and dandy... But don't tell me you can't work today because the muse has left you. Go track down that fickle slut, drag her back, chain her to your keyboard, and get to work.

She also says this when asked if she has days where the words just won't come:

I have plenty of days when the words don't want to come. I push until they do. That's my process. It's not the right way, it's my way. Just like refusing to believe in writers' block is my way.

Is it any wonder the woman is able to release so many books in a year? And, for the most part, they are good books (of course, some better than others, but all better than most).

So, Ceri, kick your muse in the butt! Good luck.

gdmoom - Go daringly, move on over muses!

At 8:55 AM, Blogger Amie Stuart said...

I think my muse is out running drugs or something. Totally kidding but still LOL

At 3:19 PM, Blogger Marianne Arkins said...


I think you have an announcement to make.

Don't you?

mpfrl - Many people feed roaring lions.


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