Saturday, September 09, 2006

Swingin To And Fro

Well, just when I get settled into a wip I get ideas on another one and I go back to that one while the thoughts are fresh. The one I'm "on" now is the one that is on my "Most Wanted To Write" list, right up there at #1. But its a huge undertaking, a fantasy.

So, do I stick with that one, or the one that I was revising before? And come November I'm going to have to put both aside for my Nano project.

Oh, what to do what to do...

Its such a beautiful day here in SW New Hampshire. And I'm stuck in the office all day. Not fair. tomorrow I have to pack up my #2 daughter for her trip to Maine. I have to write a bunch of letters for her. Okay, have to do these in advance because if I mail them they probably wouldnt' reach her in time.

But my lunch break is over and I have too much to do. So its time to quit playing and get back to the grindstone. Or something like that.


At 11:59 AM, Blogger Marianne Arkins said...

Start the fantasy for NaNo... do your characters and world building over the next two months. I wouldn't start anything new now, even though NaNo's not until November, cuz then you'll just have TWO half done projects to finish instead of one.


jbrtoj - Jonah boiled rare turtles over Job.


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