My next move... writingwise. I've spent a lot of time checking out e-publishers the last few days and I'd really like to sub something to them, but just have to find the right publisher and the right story. I've been thinking that I need to get back to the stories I have finished instead of starting new ones. I have 3 finished manuscripts that need some tweaking before I can sub them somewhere. I think, at this point while I'm struggling with one of my new ones, that I should go back to the fulls and get them ready to go.
I'm looking forward to it too. Have only a bit to work on with Sweet Forever, I think I'll revert to the original. I also have Ride Away Home which needs work, and The Storm Within.
I just wish I could stay home and actually DO it. But I'll have a few hours of peace and quiet this afternoon.
Work, however, will not be relaxing. The head honcho, master of us all, will be in the office the next two days. That means no internet, no games, no email.... nada. They're going to find as much work for us as they can. How dare they!!!
But my mind will be ticking and thinking.