Wednesday, July 27, 2005


My next move... writingwise. I've spent a lot of time checking out e-publishers the last few days and I'd really like to sub something to them, but just have to find the right publisher and the right story. I've been thinking that I need to get back to the stories I have finished instead of starting new ones. I have 3 finished manuscripts that need some tweaking before I can sub them somewhere. I think, at this point while I'm struggling with one of my new ones, that I should go back to the fulls and get them ready to go.

I'm looking forward to it too. Have only a bit to work on with Sweet Forever, I think I'll revert to the original. I also have Ride Away Home which needs work, and The Storm Within.

I just wish I could stay home and actually DO it. But I'll have a few hours of peace and quiet this afternoon.

Work, however, will not be relaxing. The head honcho, master of us all, will be in the office the next two days. That means no internet, no games, no email.... nada. They're going to find as much work for us as they can. How dare they!!!

But my mind will be ticking and thinking.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Ahhh the peace and quiet

Its another Saturday and I'm sitting in a quiet office waiting for the phone to ring.

Working on Saturdays is a real drag unless I can actually get some writng done, which may be an option today. Of course I left my current wip at home, but I've got something else I can work on. I truly love my little memory stick doo-hickey. Almost as much as I love my laptop.

I've been checking out e-publishers for one of my babies. I have mixed feelings about it but with the upcoming departure of Silhouette Romance I don't know where SF could fit in, unless I seriously lengthen it and try for one of the other lines with H/S.

But then again (and I don't know this for a fact) it might be easier to be published with an e-publisher. I could be way off base. I've read stuff by e-published authors and its been really good. Guess it depends on where you want to sell your stuff.

Its a place to start and I'm feeling very motivated.

Especially now the yard sale stuff is out of the way. Of course I'm still doing ebay and lots to work on there over the next few weeks. Joy joy joy.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Another action packed week....

Well, not really.

For those dying to know (ha ha) my characters didn't have sex. They almost did, but they were interrupted in the nick of time. So I get to drag it out a bit longer.

Unfortunately I haven't gotten much writing done this week. My muse is visiting her sister in Peoria. I'm ready to have her back and in the comfy seat on my shoulder. Maybe tomorrow she'll be back so I can get some writing done while I'm at work. Unfortunately she didn't leave me her itinerary.

It's late now and I think all I want to do is hit the sofa and relax for a while before bedtime. It'll no doubt be my last relaxing moment for a few days. Might as well take advantage of it.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Writing myself into a cornerr

Its finally Sunday. My one day off! Its just past 7am and Jim is playing a computer game and I'm staring at my computer. I've finally selected a wip to work on but I think I've written my characters into a situation that I don't know to get them past. Well, I do but I was having doubts about them... whether to let them go ahead and make love or stop them. I mean I know what they want to do and they might as well. After all, they're two consenting adults who are very attracted to each other. So why not? Am I feeling prudish or too much of a mother? Oh, I'm not ready to go there!!

Just push past the scene, write through it. Thats the wonderful thing about computers.... we can always go back and edit.

So again, here it is, Sunday morning, got my coffee next to me and I have to write a sex scene. Yipppeeee!

Friday, July 08, 2005

Rain rain go away....

Another rainy day here in New Hampshire. I swear I don't know how to dress anymore. Tee shirt and jeans today at work and I was freezing for half the day. Could barely type I was so chilly.

So here it is, the evening and I have the chance to do some writing and as I stare at my puter I think "Well..... what am I going to write?" I just don't know. I'm feeling a little void of creativity right now. I don't want to feel that way. I want to find the perfect story for me! Just not sure what it is. I've been looking at the market and trying to figure what direction I need to go.

Well, won't know until I start typing, I guess.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Bout time....

I finally figured out what my password is. I can't believe that I've forgotten it and neglected my poor blog.

Well, what has been happening over the past many months? Winter has come and gone. Its never as bad as I think it's going to be. No enormous snow storms, no deep freezes-that I can remember. We're still alive and well.

Spring was short and wet and chilly and we dove right into summer. I'm already looking forward to fall. My kids are too. My 9 year old wants to know why school can't be year round. I'm thinking "huh?????" I never ever would have shared those sentiments when I was her age, but the world was a heck of a lot different. Little kids weren't being kidnapped all over the place back then. We were free to run around the neighborhood without the fear of some sick person grabbing us.

Well, I'm still writing. I think I've just about finished Sweet Forever. I actually sent a query out to Silhouette Desire but it was politely rejected. Plan B was Silhouette Romance and I edited out the sex and everything, but now SR is folding. Sheesh! whats a poor writer to do! There is another line I can submit to, but I just need to find the address.

In the meantime I have a short story in with Woman's World. I sent it out in March and still no word on its destiny or future. I guess no news is good news. One writer had hers there with no word for 7 months! I don't know if she ever found out what was going on, but she said the longer they have it the better chances that it'll be published. That must be true, because WW usually is VERY good about sending out quick rejection letters.

Okay.... let the diet begin (again). I'm just plain sick of it. I even want to get on the treadmill (shock and awe). I just need to put that picture of me up on the fridge. And get a chain. And have every restaurant in the area take out a restraining order against me.

Okay, I think this is enough for today. Glad to be back. :)