30 September
From "The Celtic Spirit, Daily Meditations for the Turning Year" by Caitlin Matthews
She's talking about how scavengers such as ravens help to keep our world clean.
".....We can learn from the action of the scavenger by applying its principles to our own lives. If we think for one moment about what our world would look like without decay we shudder. The same work of decay needs to be applied to ourselfves. Withough periodic clearing out and rooting up of old concepts, ideas and burdens, our being would soon become as noisome as many bloated carcass by the highway. When we investigate what is hindering our spiritual path, we often find that it is something we have been holding onto, rather than any external circumstance."
Exercise - "What is hindering you? What needs to go away? Meditate upon this and write down one major burden or worn-out notion that is obstucting your progress. Go outside and burn the paper on which you wrote, letting go of your burden as the ashes fly free on the wind."
Strange, I was just thinking of this this morning, names that I carry with me, beliefs, not to mention just STUFF. I just started clearing and tossing things last night, knowing that I have so much more to do. Out with the old.... and so on.