All right... show of hands... who would buy a pregnancy test kit from The Dollar Store?
I was at the Dollar Store the other night picking up some Christmas decorations for my office. There's plenty I'd pay a dollar for. A jug of Hawaiian Punch. A Christmas tie, a coffee mug, a book mark. Even a pair of sunglasses and a sewing kit or a can opener.
But a home pregnancy test kit? For a dollar? I guess that would come in handy after buying the box of condoms at the Dollar Store.
No, I'm kidding-I have no idea if they sell condoms there.
I've been listening to a lot of music at work since I've been drowning in the data entry pool at work. My mp3 player plays 111 songs so I tend to hear the same songs over and over again. As a writer, I tend to think of possible story lines for the songs. One song on my playlist is "Copacobana". Is there any sort of copyrights on characters in songs because I came up with a storyline that involves Lola after she's old and drunk and sitting at the bar, faded feathers in her hair...yada yada.. but I don't know if I can do that legally.
Since I hit my 50k for Nano I've been taking a bit of a break. I've been looking over some wips to see where I should go next. I'm still unsure. I think by tomorrow I'll be able to get back into writing. Had to get various birthdays and other occasions out of the way. My youngest turned 7 today. Wow. I feel old. And my anniversary is next week. 11 years. Truly amazing.
So, now I'm off to bed so I can face another tedious week at work. I'm so ready for the holidays to be over so the work load will lighten up some.
And to anyone who is going to call a company to place an order.... remember it's Christmas, or the holidays. Be nice to the person on the other end of the line. I know that its stressful out there, but remember they're human too, and really do have feelings.