THE RED SOX FINALLY WON THE WORLD SERIES!!! What a game last night! It was almost too easy though. I would've liked to see a little more from the other team, a little challenge. I almost felt sorry for the Cardinals pitcher (Marquis?). But not enough to be sorry that they didn't win. I just love the ease that the Sox have come back from losing the first 3 games against the Yankees and the way they played the World Series. Very sweet!! And I haven't heard of any rioting in the streets of Boston afterwards which is a relief.
And I'm not even a baseball fan!
Okay, I also watched Wife Swap. Yes, I'm a reality tv junkie. I tell ya, that Paulette the mom from NJ needs to relax. Okay, she had a beautiful home, but come on... cleaning 5 hours a day???? Not that the other mom's 15 minutes was anything to brag about. But it does give me the urge to clean my house. I need to have Jim take the kids out for the day so I can just do it. No distractions, just me, the vacuum and a cloth and the house. Of course I get these urges when I can't do much about it. Have to get ready for work. By the time I get home this afternoon the urge will be gone.
Okay, time to get ready for work. joy of joys!!