Hee Hee
I won the prize for scariest costume.
It was all in the makeup and cobwebs....
The musings of a muddled mind
So tomorrow it begins.
Well, I am, chomping at the bit to get this Nano started (thinking Pink right now), but I have more to do over the next few days that I'm praying it doesn't overflow into Nov. 1st. Got laundry to do... drivers license to renew by the 2nd, layaway to pick up.... my son's room to clean (he's only 6, he needs help).
Found this on my friend Nancy's blog. :)
Well, the planning continues. I have tons and tons of notes and switches and changes in family dynamics. I guess this is the time to do that. I've changed the thorn in Gideon's side from being his aunt to being his sister.... possibly a twin sister? And his grandfather may be Gideon's father instead. Maybe they won't be building ships, maybe they will have a resort, but a resort that has basically shut down and Gideon wants to revive it and keep it in the family but sis wants to sell it to a huge hotel company. They could butt heads over that.
My husband just got his new computer yesterday and was up til about 4:30am setting it up and setting up my "new" computer. We shifted computers so the kids have my old one and I get my husband's old one, which is a vast improvement over my old one. I now have a Dell instead of a mutt. Its a few years old but thats okay, its a lot younger than the other one and it much more spacious. And it has a flat screen monitor. So I'm rarin to go to use it and fill it with my creativity. I plan on using it a lot more for my Nano than my laptop.
First of all I think I'm going to rename him Gideon. I love that name and I've never used it before.
I've pretty much figured out my Nano heroine but I have very little clue on who my hero is. Okay, model picked out-check, his role in heroine's life-sorta check, career-so not check. I don't have a clue right now. He lives in a small coastal town in Maine. I don't want him to be a lobsterman or fisherman. I don't want him to be a cop, got a story with a cop. I was thinking that he owns a resort in the town. That would give him some free time during the winter months to be a caretaker for some of the summer homes in the town. Thats my best idea right now. I really have to do his character sketch soon.
Yesterday I took the day off work and took the kids and my husband to the Keene Pumpkin Festival. We brought our 2 pumpkins to help out. It was a fun day. A bit cold but it was sunny. A very good crowd was there. We stayed til just after 5pm and on our way back we were commenting on how many people didn't bring pumpkins with them to try to break the current Guinesss Book of World Record record that Keene has always held. They were hoping for 30000. When we got on the road home we were shocked to see the line of cars waiting to get in. It stretched a good 4 miles, bumper to bumper. Even when we got to our own town there was a huge line of cars heading in that direction. I've never seen that much traffic, so we're guessing that the majority of them were heading to Keene.
So, here's my newest Nano project idea.....
My writing group has been sharing ideas we have for the upcoming Nano challenge. I gave a brief blurb about my story and have been getting lots of support. Then I got an email that made me slam on my brakes. My writing buddy commented about how people really liked sequels ESPECIALLY IF THEY REALLY LIKE THE FIRST BOOK.
Well, I'm still working on my short and I've discovered that I'm already over the maximum word count for the line I'm aiming it for, which only wants 5000-8000 words. And I have a good bit more to go before this baby is done. So I guess I'll just have to look for a different place for it. I don't think I'll be able to edit it down enough to meet their requirments. Dern.
Over the past two days of being on the dreaded phones I've been able to write an entire scene for my short story AND do some research on my Nano project. The phones were really quiet. So, had I been doing the data entry I wouldn't have gotten any of that done. So I shouldn't gripe about it. Well, until the phones start getting busy with Christmas Shoppers. In the afternoon I was taken off the phones and went back onto data entry. I cast longing glances at my notebook.
Its getting to be ridiculous. First, last month my stepdaughter brought her school fundraiser packet over. Fine, I bought something. Then it was my son's turn, along with school pictures, then my daughter's school pics, and her fundraiser. And then my stepdaughter brings YET ANOTHER school fundraiser over! 2 in 2 months??? This is nuts. I know that soon I'll have to deal with the first Girl Scout fundraiser. Oh, and then there was my daughter's school trip to Maine that hit us within the first week of school.
So, I think I've picked out my hero model for my Nano challenge. Paul Walker fits into Daniel's character as I have him described in Finally Home. Sorry Paul, you'll have to have brown eyes, though. I think. (I need to go back and find all the Daniel scenes. Please someone tell me there's an easy way to do that!!). I've also been looking at some Competitive Trail Riding websites, but I don't know how much I'm really going to use that in the story. My heroine used to participate, but no longer. I'm sure I'll have to know something, but not everything. Still, its good to have the info.
I haven't updated my homepage in ages. I hope I can find a few minutes tomorrow and get going on it. Maybe a page on upcoming stories, or a 'whats new' page. I honestly don't know what I can post as far as blurbs go for the two stories that Samhain will be publishing. Finally Home has a blurb on the cover, so thats all set.
Plotting that is.... for NaNoWriMo. I'm so excited! I've been brainstorming and trying to figure things out and I'm praying that this'll all come together and I'll have a marketable manuscript.
Last night, as I was trying to get to bed I was, instead, thinking of my Nano project, getting those nerves jumping. Can I really take this story idea to 50k? So I began to think about my characters, my heroine in particular. First of all, I'm planning on writing a sequel to a story that is going to be published by WCP. The hero is a nice guy, my heroine's (in Finally Home) best friend. I don't think I'm going to have a tough time with him.